
If you are not in a place of blessing, it’s time to position yourself in thankfulness. Your blessings already exist but need to be released. Call on God with a thankful heart and ask Him to release those ministering angels into action.
Don’t feel thankful? Pray it anyway – once prayers are released God will open your eyes to His work and cause your heart to change. With this thankful heart you will be able to loose unforgiveness, bitterness, cynicism, and hate. Remember that whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven. Once these things are released, there will be a release in the spiritual realm of blessings.
You have the choice to release Barabbas, who will kill, steal and destroy everything in your life or you can release Jesus who is the giver of life and all good things. You have this choice for all your life and in every situation. Release Jesus on those who hurt you and see things change for the better.