Schema Volume 1 by Michael Bull

Michael Bull is my favorite author. His first books challenged me and often left me in a state of tense wonderment. While I knew he was uncovering a revealing architecture of the Bible, his matrix style of study left me craving to understand what he was teaching. I spent many hours trying to make sense of the hierarchy that he showed to be so prevalent in single verses, entire books, and across the entire Bible. I knew in my heart this was legitimate but being able to reproduce it evaded me.
That’s why I’m excited about this book! Michael has provided much more explanation and now I’m finally able to get a small grip on what Michael had shown to clearly be God’s architecture of not only His Word, but also for the life of every believer.
Michael’s books are not your Beth Moore or Bill Johnson types of Bible study. His books will cause you to sink into the depths of discovering what seems to lie deep in Scripture. I say “seems” because more often than not, you will realize everything he presents is actually quite simply in the text for all to see.