Double Portion

The Bible talks about a double portion that the prophet Elijah gave to Elisha, but what is it exactly? Was it something special that Elijah had obtained? Is it something we are to seek out or strive after? Who has it and who gives it?

First off, the phrase “double portion” is only found in the Old Testament. This is a good indication that we need to look at how it points to Jesus, rather than using it in a literal sense.

Here is the verse….

When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” 2 Kings 2:9

The Hebrew word for spirit (ruwach) literally means “breath,” but is used in complex ways. Simply put, it can either indicate a man’s spirit or God’s Spirit.

Elijah equipped Elisha to do the work that God called him to do as a prophet. They most likely spent a lot of time together in prayer, discussing the divine oral traditions, reading the Torah, and operating in God’s power. Elijah was a very unique man. He wasn’t one to beg or even ask of God, but instead he only listened to the Almighty. His prophetic process involved God telling him exactly what to say, he would say it, and then God would do what He (and he) said. That included stopping and starting the rain, bringing fire down from heaven, and even killing many men.

Elisha learned this prophetic process but he wanted to go beyond what he had learned. However, he knew that it couldn’t be done on his own accord. Clearly both of these men knew what a double portion was; Elisha didn’t mince words and Elijah put conditions on him getting the double portion. Scripture is clear that it is the first-born son who receives a double portion inheritance from his father (Dt 21:17). Double portion being twice what his siblings receive. I propose that when Elijah first met the young man, throwing his mantle on him was a symbol of either claiming Elisha as his son, or as a sign of God’s plan for his life – or even both. Elisha immediately understood the meaning of this act by leaving his earthly father. If you compare the lives of these two men, you will indeed see that God honored Elisha’s request. Twice the amount of miracles that Elijah performed were done by Elisha with the last being after he died.

What enabled Elisha to do this? Holy Spirit. Elijah was a spiritual father to Elisha. Therefor, Elisha was asking for a double portion of God of what Elijah had.

There are a few key factors in this story. Elijah never told Elisha to take or pull a double portion from him. Elijah was too humble to say such a thing, nor did it appear to even be possible. Secondly, the double portion was not something that Elijah could give to Elisha – it wasn’t his to give. However, he could agree that Elisha should get it. Elijah had nothing left to teach Elisha and tried many times to push him away (2 Kings 2). Persisting and insisting, Elisha wouldn’t leave and at the very end made his request for the double portion of spirit. Elijah agreed that he should get it, but put that burden on God and then went directly to the heavenly kingdom.

Do you or I need this double portion? If I have given my life to God, then I abide in Jesus and He abides in me. Jesus is the firstborn Son, He is my portion, and I have all of Him. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is merged with mine and I am a new creature. In Jesus I have every need met and every desire supplied. I am full and overflowing. To think that I need the same type of double portion that Elisha received would be a downgrade to what I already have.


I finally feel comfortable in revealing the reason for this post. I spent a couple months in a church were the pastor often compared himself to Elijah. He told us that we needed to pull a double portion from him. It went against everything I understood to be true, however he used Scripture to support his repetitive teaching and was very convincing. I was very conflicted (as I was about much of his teachings) and finally dug into the Bible in order to fully understand what a double portion is. Not only is what that pastor taught wrong, it’s blasphemous in that he is elevating himself to be equal with the One True God.

I’ve been a student of the Word for decades and this man caused me to falter, so it can easily happen to anyone. There are false teachers and prophets among us who are smooth talkers and have amazing testimonies. I want to encourage you to not believe what anyone teaches you unless you verify it for yourself in the Word of God. Don’t base your faith on promises of any man.

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority.  Col 2:8-10

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