Biblical Terms Legal Dictionary

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The Biblical Legal Terms Dictionary is a dictionary and commentary in one book that reveals parallels between Scripture and the secular legal system.
With fourteen years’ experience as a paralegal working in the military justice system, the legal jargon found throughout Scripture began to stick out to Kelly. So much so, that she felt the Holy Spirit nudging her to mark every legal word in her Bible. Armed with a green Pigma pen and Black’s Legal Dictionary, so began an exciting journey that culminated into this unexpected book. Now, there is barely a page in that beloved Bible that does not have a green mark. It is a blessing for her to share this with you.
For those who think the law is only in the Old Testament, this book is especially for you. What you will learn will be wonderfully rich. The law is not to be disregarded now that it is hidden in our hearts.
The Biblical Legal Terms Dictionary is an excellent source to add to your reference collection. May it enhance your relationship with the Living God.