Be Like Christ – Divine Health

We’ve all heard this lots of times – be like Christ – but here’s a new thought -> In an earthly body (just like yours and mine) and while constantly being around sick and contagious people, JESUS WAS NEVER EVER SICK. Why? Because His divine health was more contagious!

How often we remember that our mind is to be renewed into our life in Jesus (Rom 12:2), but we miss the preceding verse “present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice.” Our physical body is to be transformed along with our soul/mind. And, just as our soul/mind needs to submit to our spirit (that is one with Christ), so must our physical body be submissive. It is Jesus Christ who transforms the humble state of our physical body (Phil 3:21) but we need to come into agreement with His work. If sickness, pain, or injury tries to touch us, we must renounce it immediately and keep doing so until it leaves.

Does renewing your mind mean that you won’t ever mess up, won’t ever sin? No. Neither does transforming your body mean that nothing bad will ever happen to it. However, just like we need to constantly feed our mind good things, so too should we feed our body well. By doing so we align ourselves with the work Jesus is doing in our mind AND body. As this process continues, we will sin less and we will have less sickness.
Be convinced that your physical body can be renewed to be like Christ. Believe that you are to love the Lord with our whole body, soul, and spirit.

Let your divine health be contagious!

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